О нас
Coils for ground rope

Coils for a ground rope polyurethane (reinforced in weight)

Number of the goods L D d Weight in air, kg Weight in water, kg
mm in.s mm in.s mm in.s
001278 203 8 203 8 78 3.1 14.3 8.8
001279 203 8 254 10 78 3.1 16.2 9.3
The notice: freight is the metallically coil, filled in polyurethane.

Coils for a ground rope rubber (reinforced in weight)

Number of the goods L D d Weight in air, kg Weight in water, kg
mm in.s mm in.s mm in.s
001280 203 8 203 8 78 3.1 14.3 8.8
001281 203 8 254 10 78 3.1 16.2 9.3

The notice: freight in the metallically coil, filled in gum.

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